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Borrowing Materials

Borrowing Policies


Renewing Materials


Items may be renewed via the online catalog, in-person, via the myLibro app, or over the phone. Most materials may be renewed up to two (2) times except when there are other customer requests for the material or when the item is owned by another library system.

Returning Materials


Please return all materials in the drop box conviently located outside East of the front doors or the drop box on the lower level at the foot of the stairs. Laptops and Bicycles are the exceptions. Laptops must be handed to a staff member and Biccyles must be locked up outside, then the key brought to the circulation desk.

Picking Up Holds


Items placed on hold can be picked up from the Circulation desk on the library's lower level. Cardholders can place holds in the Library Catalog or by contacting library staff. You will be notified when the item is ready to pick up. You have seven (7) days to pick up an item once it becomes available. If your hold is available lbut you no longer need it, please call us to cancel the hold.

Overdues & Fines


As of January 1st, 2022, Ottawa Library no longer chargese late fines on most overdue materials. Laptops accrue fines at a rate of ten dollars ($10) per day until forty-five (45) days overdue, at which time the item is considered lost or stolen.

Lost Materials


At forty-five (45) days overdue, items are assumed lost and the replacement cost is billed to your account. If the assumed lost materials are returned, the replacement cost will be removed from the account. If any fines accrued, they are not removed.

At ninety (90) days overdue, .....

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