The State Library of Kansas works with Kansas libraries to provide digital library books and research databases for all residents.
Online Resources / Databases
For a full listing of available resources visit
General Research Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Newspapaers
History & Genealogy Military Records, Census data, Family History
Consumer and Nursing information
Business & Technology
Small Business resources, Career and Vocation Planning
Stats & Government
Statistics and Data
Skill Builders
Auto repair, Test Prep, Language learning, etc.
Research for Students
Selected databases by age level
Elementary & younger:
Middle-High School:
Looking for Government Information?
Information on governors, legislators, state and federal documents, and the Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library.
Digital Books
Digital audiobooks, eBooks, & storybooks. Apps available for your mobile device or use on your computer. Please check the site for full instructions.
cloudLibrary eBooks & audiobooks
eBook & audiobook collection
Larger publishers & bestsellers, fiction + non-fiction for all ages
Browse, checkout, & read inside the app; or on a web browser
Checkout for 21 days
Freading eBooks
Small-medium publishers (over 188,000 books), great variety of fiction & nonfiction for all ages Unlimited copies of each book (no holds), use your weekly allowance to checkout;
Checkout for 14 days
Enki eBooks
Small-medium press & self-published eBooks (over 85,000), great variety of fiction & nonfiction for all ages
Checkout for 21 days
All can be used in your internet browser (no software) and have unlimited use. Read as many books as you’d like per day.
video storybooks paired with a related nonfiction eBook. PreK to grade 3.
Read-along, chapterbooks, games & more. PreK to grade 6.
Britannica E-STAX
nonfiction picture eBooks; books available for reading levels PreK to grade 9.
Kansas Talking Books
Any Kansas resident with a visual impairment, physical impairment or reading disability that prevents the reading of traditional print materials is eligible for Kansas Talking Books. Schools and medical facilities who serve qualifying individuals may also be eligible.
Kansas Talking Books provides personalized library support and materials in a specialized format to eligible Kansas residents to ensure that all may read. This no-cost library service features:
Audio books, audio magazines, braille books, and braille magazines mailed directly to your house and returned postage free.
Special equipment lent to you at no charge.
Download books and magazines from the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) website or by using the BARD Mobile app.
A collection that includes romance, mysteries, bestsellers, science fiction, westerns, biographies, fiction, children's books, young adult books and more
Phone: 1-800-362-0699
Kansas Library eCard FAQ
What can I do with a Kansas Library eCard (KSLC)?
Access research databases and learning modules. Use the Digital Book eLending project, which includes eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and animated storybooks.
How do I get a KSLC?
Request a card at your local public, school, academic library or the State Library.
Who can get a KSLC?
Any resident of Kansas may ask for a Kansas Library eCard. Libraries & schools may require some proof of residency before issuing the card. There is no age limit, but very young Kansans will need a parent or guardian to request a card on their behalf.
How does the KSLC work?
Your librarian will issue you a 6 digit card number. This number, with your date of birth, allows login from anywhere with Internet access (so it will work no matter where you travel). Birth dates must be entered as MMDDYYYY format.
How do I access the databases?
Log in at You may be able to access without login from
How do I use my KSLC for audiobooks or eBooks?
Visit for full instructions as these vary by service.
When does a KSLC expire & can I renew it?
Cards expire 3 years from the date issued. Renew at any library or call the State Library. Check your card’s expiration date by logging in to
What do I do if my KSLC is lost?
Any Kansas library can look up your number & issue a replacement card.
Can I get an eCard if I'm in the military, but currently based out of state or overseas?
Yes. Email from your military email. All services work from anywhere!