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Interlibrary Loans

​While our shared collection contains a great number of offerings, it, unfortunately, cannot house every possible work. Patrons in need of a book or film that cannot be found in our collection may be able to turn to Inter-Library Loans (ILLs).

Inter-Library Loans are brought in from libraries outside of the NEKLS network. Many of these items are antiques, rare, unique, and difficult or impossible to replace. Because of this, more stringent circulation policies, outlined below, are in place to protect these items. 

Requesting an item through Inter Library Loan

Patrons requesting an item through ILL must have an active account in accordance with the current circulation rules at the Ottawa Library, as defined by three to four (3-4) items checked out and returned across the last six (6) months, cannot have overdue items, and cannot have more than five dollars ($5) in fines associated with their account.


Patrons are limited to seven (7) active ILL requests at any given time. This includes items Pending, In Process, Shipped, Received, and Renewal files. This applies to all item formats (books, audiobooks, audio CDs, DVDs). Microfilm can only be acquired if the requested item is available for loan by the Kansas State Historical Society. Microfilm is limited to two rolls at a time and cannot be brought in from out of state.


Checking out an item through Inter Library Loan

The circulation rules, including loan periods and use of materials, are set by the lending library. ILLs may be subject to recall by the lending library at any point. Patrons will be held responsible for any charges incurred for damaged or lost items set by the lending library. ILL is only available to Ottawa Library patrons.


Items must be picked up within seven (7) days of patron notification and returned to the Ottawa Library by the date listed with the temporary ID card attached. Patrons must have their library card to check out ILLs, just like with all items checked out from the Ottawa Library, and cannot check out an ILL item if there are overdue items on their account. All ILL items must be returned to the Ottawa Library, not to another library in the North East Kansas Library System.


Microfilm must be used within the library; it cannot be taken out of the reference area.


📄 Inter-Library Loan Policy [PDF]


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